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We offer mixed hardwood, firewood. Our wood is sourced from local arborists as well as loggers from Eastern Ontario and Québec. You will find all the hardwood species that are native to these regions which are Maple, Oak, Cherry, Ash, Birch and Elm.
We regularly cut and process firewood so that you may have properly seasoned firewood available at any time. Once it is cut and split our firewood is passed through a cleaner (tumbler) for a first time. It is then placed in small windrows to maximize air circulation during the drying stage. The wood is then passed through the tumbler once more when it is loaded for delivery. This process ensures that you have the cleanest and driest firewood available.
Firewood is a renewable source of energy but only if and when it is properly managed. We have an obligation to ensure that generations to come will have access to this precious resource which is often taken for granted. We are committing to donate 2$ for every cord sold to non-profit canadian tree planting organizations.
Firewood Prices for 2021-2022
1 cord - $145
2 +cords - $135
Kindling bags - 10$ each or 3 for 25$
Prices are per face cords without delivery. Prices are subject to HST.
To calculate your firewood cost and schedule a delivery
For additional information
Text: 613-808-1368
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